DGoldDragon28 / Unangband

A roguelike originally created (and developed until version 0.6.4c) by Andrew Doull.
GNU General Public License v2.0
59 stars 6 forks source link

Add a Quick Start option, a more universal starting option name than Beginner. #64

Open dennis-roof opened 6 years ago

dennis-roof commented 6 years ago

Unangband has a "Beginner" option that immediately starts the game for players, which is nice. Similar to a Quick Start option, except experienced players who want to play the game quickly would never choose the "Beginner" option.

A "Quick start" option is very common in games and great incentive for both new and experienced players to try Unangband. Even if it's just a copy of the "Beginner" option or a renaming, I think "Quick Start" has much better chance of being used by a wider range of players and appreciated than "Beginner".