version: 2023.02.22 x86-64-Linux-6.1.12
Sorry, but there is no log with transmission.
I can not access the web interface of transmission.
it said:
404: Not Found
Couldn't find Transmission's web interface files!
Users: to tell Transmission where to look, set the TRANSMISSION_WEB_HOME environment variable to the folder where the web interface's index.html is located.
Package Builders: to set a custom default at compile time, #define PACKAGE_DATA_DIR in libtransmission/platform.c or tweak tr_getClutchDir () by hand.
it seems no transmission-web has been installed.
version: 2023.02.22 x86-64-Linux-6.1.12 Sorry, but there is no log with transmission.
I can not access the web interface of transmission. it said: " 404: Not Found
Couldn't find Transmission's web interface files!
Users: to tell Transmission where to look, set the TRANSMISSION_WEB_HOME environment variable to the folder where the web interface's index.html is located.
Package Builders: to set a custom default at compile time, #define PACKAGE_DATA_DIR in libtransmission/platform.c or tweak tr_getClutchDir () by hand. " it seems no transmission-web has been installed.
$ opkg list-installed | grep transmission luci-app-transmission - git-23.048.51027-d67627a-1 luci-i18n-transmission-ca - git-23.048.51027-d67627a-1 luci-i18n-transmission-cs - git-23.048.51027-d67627a-1 luci-i18n-transmission-de - git-23.048.51027-d67627a-1 luci-i18n-transmission-el - git-23.048.51027-d67627a-1 luci-i18n-transmission-es - git-23.048.51027-d67627a-1 luci-i18n-transmission-fr - git-23.048.51027-d67627a-1 luci-i18n-transmission-he - git-23.048.51027-d67627a-1 luci-i18n-transmission-hu - git-23.048.51027-d67627a-1 luci-i18n-transmission-it - git-23.048.51027-d67627a-1 luci-i18n-transmission-ja - git-23.048.51027-d67627a-1 luci-i18n-transmission-ms - git-23.048.51027-d67627a-1 luci-i18n-transmission-no - git-23.048.51027-d67627a-1 luci-i18n-transmission-pl - git-23.048.51027-d67627a-1 luci-i18n-transmission-pt - git-23.048.51027-d67627a-1 luci-i18n-transmission-pt-br - git-23.048.51027-d67627a-1 luci-i18n-transmission-ro - git-23.048.51027-d67627a-1 luci-i18n-transmission-ru - git-23.048.51027-d67627a-1 luci-i18n-transmission-sk - git-23.048.51027-d67627a-1 luci-i18n-transmission-sv - git-23.048.51027-d67627a-1 luci-i18n-transmission-tr - git-23.048.51027-d67627a-1 luci-i18n-transmission-uk - git-23.048.51027-d67627a-1 luci-i18n-transmission-vi - git-23.048.51027-d67627a-1 luci-i18n-transmission-zh-cn - git-23.048.51027-d67627a-1 luci-i18n-transmission-zh-tw - git-23.048.51027-d67627a-1 transmission-daemon-openssl - 2.94-8 transmission-web-control - 2020-09-13-c26a0761-1