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groupIcdToCCS 訊息修正 #10

Closed yijutseng closed 5 years ago

yijutseng commented 6 years ago

test<-groupIcdToCCS(IBDCaseAllIcdAllData,MemberID,Icd,DateServiceStarted,"2015-10-01",F) 出現 'icd_' prefixed functions have been replaced with either ICD-9 or ICD-10 specific functions, which have an 'icd9_' or 'icd10_' prefix, or lost their prefix altogether.


這個message是否可以把對不到的清單取不重複列出前十個,確保訊息清楚: Warning message: NA means icd code does not match the format.

amamagg commented 6 years ago

改好了, 一並新增其他功能的warning msg commit a5564995c6255574d8fab329510933610961bbeb

yijutseng commented 6 years ago

最後一句話看能不能改得清楚一點, 首先warning ICD:Warning message: 的_warning ICD_好像是多的? 然後突然出現NA好像也不清楚,看是否能改成 The ICD mentioned above matches to "NA" due to the format or other issues.

warning ICD: 642.92 warning ICD: 654.70 warning ICD:Warning message: 'NA' means the data does not match the format

amamagg commented 6 years ago

改好了 commit 616dead9dc065dee353f895c4083e72759fd376c