DHTMLX / gantt-docs

This repo contains the actual version of dhtmlxGantt documentation http://docs.dhtmlx.com/gantt/index.html
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how can I deploy this project? #3

Closed name-trouble closed 1 year ago

name-trouble commented 3 years ago

I want to watch this docs on my local area network

gearcoded commented 3 years ago

@name-trouble, first, you need to install Apache and PHP (or LAMP/XAMP). Then you need to put it to the /var/www/html/ folder. To make it work, you will also need an additional module(madoka) that should be placed in the same directory as the gantt-docs folder: https://files.dhtmlx.com/30d/d5d3df9e46c3b42a9c19e923ec23ed75/madoka.zip For example:


Then, you will need to open the following URL: http://loaclhost/gantt-docs/index.html

name-trouble commented 2 years ago

@name-trouble, first, you need to install Apache and PHP (or LAMP/XAMP). Then you need to put it to the /var/www/html/ folder. To make it work, you will also need an additional module(madoka) that should be placed in the same directory as the gantt-docs folder: https://files.dhtmlx.com/30d/d5d3df9e46c3b42a9c19e923ec23ed75/madoka.zip For example:


Then, you will need to open the following URL: http://loaclhost/gantt-docs/index.html

your suggest really help me.thank you very much!