DHTMLX / scheduler

GPL version of JavaScript Event Scheduler
GNU General Public License v2.0
319 stars 111 forks source link

error TS6137: Cannot import type declaration files. Consider importing 'dhtmlxscheduler' instead of '@types/dhtmlxscheduler' #46

Open akvaliya opened 5 years ago

akvaliya commented 5 years ago

When i try to use schedular in typescript (Angular 8).

I use these

import "dhtmlx-scheduler";
import {} from "@types/dhtmlxscheduler";

First import works fine. But second line gives me an error.

error TS6137: Cannot import type declaration files. Consider importing 'dhtmlxscheduler' instead of '@types/dhtmlxscheduler'.

What am i missing here? I have followed this guide.

nithin-neewee commented 3 years ago

@akvaliya Any things you found to resolve it.. Please help i am getting same error

ArtiBorisevich commented 2 years ago

Hello, This guide is a little bit outdated and we currently working on the update it, unfortunately, there is no ETA.

import {} from "@types/dhtmlxscheduler";

Previously, our types for the scheduler were stored separately and now they are included in the scheduler package and you don't need to import them. This is what the import of the scheduler looks like now: import 'dhtmlx-scheduler'; declare let scheduler: any; There is the updated demo which uses the scheduler with angular 11: https://disq.us/url?url=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.dhtmlx.com%2F30d%2Fd32c54dba33fee8a700c8031fa2017ae%2Fangular11%2Bgantt__GPL%2Bscheduler_GPL.zip%3A0gNemJUIoy85XJd-2UuSF_T565w&cuid=6004032

Steps to run: Download the archive; Unarchive it into some folder; Run yarn install command; Run yarn start command;

This demo contains Gantt and Scheduler components, you can find these components in the "src/app/tools" folder.