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有关项目代码的问题 Questions about the project code #1

Closed ajie220209 closed 6 months ago

ajie220209 commented 6 months ago

你好,我在运行process_panuke_dataset.py的时候提示我:”Create pannuke dataset for distillation: error: the following arguments are required: --pannuke_path, --save_path, --pannuke_weights_path“,请问我该怎么样才能解决这个问题呢? Hello, I was prompted when running process_panuke_dataset.py: ”Create pannuke dataset for distillation: error: the following arguments are required: --pannuke_path, --save_path, --pannuke_weights_path, " How can I solve this problem?

cristian921 commented 6 months ago

Did you insert args? An example is: python3 process_pannuke_dataset.py --pannuke_path [path of pannuke dataset] --pannuke_weights_path [path of hovernet weights with types] --save_path [path to save the output]. Pay attention on tree structure of the directory where you download pannuke, it must have this structure: -- Pannuke -- Fold1 -- images -- fold1 -- images.npy -- types.npy -- masks -- fold1 -- masks.npy -- Fold2 .......

The structure must be the same for each fold. Keep me post if it doesn't work.

ajie220209 commented 6 months ago

May I ask where to download the following parameters? I have downloaded Fold1,2,3. I'm a beginner, want to learn about it through your project。

--pannuke_path, --save_path, --pannuke_weights_path --images_path, --weights_path, --save_path --base_project_dir, --project_name, --experiment_group, --experiment_id, --path_train, --path_val, --path_test, --pannuke_path

cristian921 commented 6 months ago

You can read the readme file. Anyway, some args have to be set by yourself, others require you to download something from an external website, like --pannuke_weights_path, which is the original weights of pannuke.

ajie220209 commented 6 months ago

First, Do these parameters need to be set in the run_train.sh file?
Second, When I download the fold1/2/3 file provided by you in the readme file, I will be prompted that the file is damaged and cannot be compressed. May I ask how to solve it? Third, There is a download that needs to be downloaded from the University of Warwick's official website, which I can't seem to access. Thank you very much for your answer

cristian921 commented 6 months ago

Yes, you need to set all the parameters to run 'run_trian.sh'. What link is broken? If you have a problem downloading from the University of Warwick, you should contact them.

ajie220209 commented 5 months ago

When I downloaded the fold.1/2/3.h5 file from the website, it would prompt that the file was damaged and could not be extracted. Now I'm only three files short.