GPU-accelerated Monte Carlo x-ray transport code to simulate medical x-ray imaging devices.
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Request new material files #12

Open sarno89 opened 5 months ago

sarno89 commented 5 months ago

is it possilble to have material files for PVC, PE and PC? Thank you very much Antonio

andreubs commented 4 months ago

Antonio, I added these materials and some more at the folder: https://github.com/DIDSR/MCGPU/tree/master/materials Let me know if you need more materials. I will try to generate them faster this time.

In the following months I plan to release a new version of MCGPU (v2.0) compatible with the latest version of PENELOPE. Users will finally be able to generate their own material files in that version. I will introduce the code at the Virtual Imaging Trials in Medicine summit (https://cvit.duke.edu/vitm24/) on April 23, in case you are interested. Ciao!

leekunpeng commented 2 months ago

Antonio, I added these materials and some more at the folder: https://github.com/DIDSR/MCGPU/tree/master/materials Let me know if you need more materials. I will try to generate them faster this time.

In the following months I plan to release a new version of MCGPU (v2.0) compatible with the latest version of PENELOPE. Users will finally be able to generate their own material files in that version. I will introduce the code at the Virtual Imaging Trials in Medicine summit (https://cvit.duke.edu/vitm24/) on April 23, in case you are interested. Ciao!

Looking forward it!