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Update Codelist w/ Borehole Properties #11

Open nickmachairas opened 5 years ago

nickmachairas commented 5 years ago

We are seeking comments/recommendations on updating the borehole codelist as shown below. Tracking progress at the Codelist Updates project page.

Diggs CodeType Element Annotation
/diggs:Borehole/diggs:status A text string to provide information about the status of the object to be used to track QA/QC controls, review or release status, etc. The values used are intended to come from a controlled list of terms maintained by an organization.
/diggs:Borehole/diggs:boreholePurpose A description of the purpose for drilling the hole (eg. exploratory boring, monitoring well, etc.). Intended to come from a controlled list.
/diggs:Borehole/diggs:boreholeType | A description of the type of boring. Can be used as a generalized term for the construction method (eg. mud rotary, reverse circulation, etc.) or some other classification based on a unique business model. Detailed or depth dependent construction information should be encoded in the constructionMethod property.
/diggs:Borehole /diggs:backfill /diggs:Backfill /diggs:backfillLayer /diggs:BackfillLayer /diggs:backfillMaterial The type of material used as backfill (eg. bentonite, cuttings, sand, etc.). Intended to come from a controlled list assigned to an authority.
/diggs:Borehole /diggs:casing /diggs:Casing /diggs:casingMaterial The material that the casing is made of, eg. PVC, stainless steel, etc. Intended to come from a controlled list of terms.
/diggs:Borehole /diggs:constructionMethod /diggs:BoreholeConstructionMethod /diggs:constructionEquipment /diggs:Equipment /diggs:class The class or type of equipment - eg. drill rig, CPT rig, etc. Intended to come from a controlled list.
/diggs:Borehole /diggs:constructionMethod /diggs:BoreholeConstructionMethod /diggs:constructionEquipment /diggs:CoringDevice /diggs:linerType The type of liner material or the type of coating within the coring device (eg. porcelain coating on a shelby tube). Intended to come from a controlled list of terms.
/diggs:Borehole /diggs:constructionMethod /diggs:BoreholeConstructionMethod /diggs:constructionEquipment /diggs:CoringDevice /diggs:shoeType Refers to the type of shoe used, typically manufacturer specific.
/diggs:Borehole /diggs:chiseling /diggs:Chiseling /diggs:chiselingToolUsed | Tool used to perform the chiseling. Intended to come from a controlled list. NOTE: This is currently a code type, but could also be typed as a gml:ReferenceType to reference an Equipment metadata object.
/diggs:Borehole /diggs:flush /diggs:Flush /diggs:fluidType Type of fluid used for flushing. Intended to derive from a controlled list.