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Define lists for field descriptive properties #13

Open nickmachairas opened 5 years ago

nickmachairas commented 5 years ago

We are seeking comments/recommendations on defining the controlled lists for field descriptive properties. Below is the list of the field property elements with definitions from the schema. Tracking progress at the Codelist Updates project page.

Element Definition
apparentDensity A text string describing the consistency of coarse-grained soils (eg. "loose"); intended to come from a controlled list
consistency A text string describing the consistency of fine-grained soils (eg. "soft"); intended to come from a controlled list
beddingOrientation A text string describing the bedding orientation (eg. horizontal, inclined, inclined 30 deg NW, etc.)
beddingSpacing A text string describing the bed spacing (eg. "thick", "3 inches"); intended to come from a controlled list
cementation A text string describing the degree of cementation (eg. "weakly"); intended to come from a controlled list
dilatancy A text string describing the degree of dilantancy, eg. "slow"; intended to come from a controlled list
dryStrength A text string describing the degree of dry strength; intended to come from a controlled list
moistureCondition A text string describing the moisture of the soil (eg."wet"); intended to come from a controlled list
odor A text string describing the odor of the soil (eg. H2S); intended to come from a controlled list
particleAngularity A descriptive term or phrase to describe the overall angularity of grains (eg. "rounded"). Intended to come from a controlled list.
particleShape A descriptive term or phrase to describe the overall shape (typically sphericity) of particles. Intended to come from a controlled list.
particleSize A descriptive term or phrase to describe the overall particle size distribution of the soil, eg. "fine sand", "fine to coarse". "silt and very fine sand". Intended to come from a controlled list.
particleSorting A descriptive term or phrase to describe the relative particle sorting of the soil, eg. "well-sorted". Intended to come from a controlled list.
plasticity A descriptive term or phrase to describe the relative plasticity of the soil, eg. "non-plastic". Intended to come from a controlled list.
reactionToHCl A text string describing the soil's reaction to HCl (eg. "weak"); intended to come from a controlled list
rockGrainSize A descriptive term or phrase to describe the overall particle size distribution of the soil, eg. "fine sand", "fine to coarse". "silt and very fine sand". Intended to come from a controlled list.
rockHardness A descriptive term or phrase to describe the relative hardness of rock, as governed by its mineralogy, eg. "hard". Intended to come from a controlled list.
rockSlakingRate A descriptive term or phrase to describe the relative rate of slaking of rock, eg. "slow". Intended to come from a controlled list.
rockStrength A descriptive term or phrase to describe the relative hardness of rock, as governed by its compressive strengh, eg. "strong". Intended to come from a controlled list.
rockWeathering A descriptive term or phrase to describe the relative degree of rock, eg. "slightly decomposed", "Grade III", etc. Intended to come from a controlled list.
soilStructure A descriptive term or phrase to describe the relative structure of the soil, eg. "prismatic", "blocky", etc. Intended to come from a controlled list.
toughness A descriptive term or phrase to describe the relative toughness of the soil, eg. "medium", etc. Intended to come from a controlled list.
AC107 commented 4 years ago

They all say intended to come from controlled list. will these lists be posted for discussion? have they been created yet?