Open creyeschaponan opened 1 year ago
also have this issue did you figure anything out?
I managed to get it working I had to look at older post and download marcus cookie helper for firefox and pull the cookie info that way and it worked for me well its downloading
I have this error, I'm not sure if my configuration is wrong.
File "/var/www/html/UltimaScraper/UltimaScraper/", line 62, in
File "/root/.pyenv/versions/3.10.13/lib/python3.10/asyncio/", line 44, in run
return loop.run_until_complete(main)
File "/root/.pyenv/versions/3.10.13/lib/python3.10/asyncio/", line 649, in run_until_complete
return future.result()
File "/var/www/html/UltimaScraper/UltimaScraper/", line 44, in main
_api = await USR.start(
File "/var/www/html/UltimaScraper/UltimaScraper/ultima_scraper/", line 50, in start
await self.start_datascraper(datascraper)
File "/var/www/html/UltimaScraper/UltimaScraper/ultima_scraper/", line 88, in start_datascraper
setup, _subscriptions = await datascraper.account_setup(
File "/root/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/ultima-scraper-DK4jC7F0-py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ultima_scraper_collection/modules/", line 415, in account_setup
AttributeError: 'AuthModel' object has no attribute 'auth_details'. Did you mean: 'get_auth_details'?
My config.json: { "info": { "version": 8.0 }, "settings": { "auto_site_choice": "", "export_type": "json", "max_threads": -1, "min_drive_space": 0, "helpers": { "renamer": true, "reformat_media": true, "downloader": true, "delete_empty_directories": false }, "webhooks": { "global_webhooks": [], "global_status": true, "auth_webhook": { "succeeded": { "webhooks": [], "status": null, "hide_sensitive_info": true }, "failed": { "webhooks": [], "status": null, "hide_sensitive_info": true } }, "download_webhook": { "succeeded": { "webhooks": [], "status": null, "hide_sensitive_info": true }, "failed": { "webhooks": [], "status": null, "hide_sensitive_info": true } } }, "exit_on_completion": false, "infinite_loop": true, "loop_timeout": 0, "dynamic_rules_link": "", "proxies": [], "cert": "", "random_string": "fef2c83e620f11ee9fcc0242ac110002", "tui": { "active": false, "host": "localhost", "port": 2112, "api_key": "fef2c96a620f11ee9fcc0242ac110002" } }, "supported": { "onlyfans": { "settings": { "auto_profile_choice": [], "auto_model_choice": "", "auto_api_choice": true, "auto_media_choice": "All", "browser": { "auth": true }, "jobs": { "scrape": { "subscriptions": true, "messages": false, "paid_contents": false }, "metadata": { "posts": true, "comments": true } }, "download_directories": [ "user_data__/sites" ], "file_directory_format": "Onlyfans/linadz_priv/Posts/Free/Images", "filename_format": "{filename}.{ext}", "metadata_directories": [ "user_data/sites" ], "metadata_directory_format": "Onlyfans/linadz_priv/Metadata", "delete_legacy_metadata": false, "text_length": 255, "video_quality": "source", "overwrite_files": false, "date_format": "%d-%m-%Y", "ignored_keywords": [], "ignore_type": "", "blacklists": [], "webhook": true } }, "fansly": { "settings": { "auto_profile_choice": [], "auto_model_choice": false, "auto_api_choice": true, "auto_media_choice": "", "browser": { "auth": true }, "jobs": { "scrape": { "subscriptions": true, "messages": false, "paid_contents": false }, "metadata": { "posts": true, "comments": true } }, "download_directories": [ "__user_data/sites" ], "file_directory_format": "{site_name}/{model_username}/{api_type}/{value}/{media_type}", "filename_format": "{filename}.{ext}", "metadata_directories": [ "__user_data__/sites" ], "metadata_directory_format": "{site_name}/{model_username}/Metadata", "delete_legacy_metadata": false, "text_length": 255, "video_quality": "source", "overwrite_files": false, "date_format": "%d-%m-%Y", "ignored_keywords": [], "ignore_type": "", "blacklists": [], "webhook": true } } } }
My auth.json { "auth": { "id": null, "username": "default", "cookie": "mycookie", "x_bc": "my_xbc", "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36", "email": "", "password": "", "hashed": false, "support_2fa": true, "active": true } }