DIGImend / digimend-kernel-drivers

DIGImend graphics tablet drivers for the Linux kernel
GNU General Public License v2.0
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XP-Pen Innovator 16 diagnostics - ID160F #474

Open razcore-rad opened 3 years ago

razcore-rad commented 3 years ago

Recently I got an Innovator 16 so I'm attaching the diagnostics I got by following the instructions. Hope it helps, if I can do anything else let me know.

Hope I collected correct data.


XP-Pen Innovator 16 presentation XP-Pen Innovator 16 drivers

For some reason lsusb returns XP-Pen with my headphones name (Jabra Revo) but I assume that doesn't matter too much.

pivui commented 3 years ago

If my experience is of any help:

I have just received this tablet and it seems to work fine with the latest digimend release (I am on xubuntu 20.04): pressure, tilt, buttons and wheels.

It was not directly detected by xsetwacom --list, but adding a configuration file as

Section "InputClass"
       Identifier "UGTABLET 15.6 inch PenDisplay"
       MatchUSBID "28bd:092c"
       MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
       Driver "wacom"

in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ worked for me.

However, I have trouble mapping the buttons the way I want with the wacom driver so I ended up switching back to evdev driver and with a custom configuration file in /etc/udev/hwdb.d/ I am mapping the scan-codes to some key-codes I want. Here is my configuration file:

 KEYBOARD_KEY_70019=e # Buttons after wheel
 KEYBOARD_KEY_70011=h # the last button send 3 scan-code, one of them beeing 700e2, as above..
 KEYBOARD_KEY_700e0=unknown # second button starting from bottom send two scancodes, disabling the first one
 KEYBOARD_KEY_D0044=space # Pen tip button
 KEYBOARD_KEY_D0045=0x111 # Pen other button

The only issue I have is with the last button that seems to send several scan-codes at once, one of them being the same as the scan-code sent by the third button...

Edit: also, the official drivers also works, which is nice. But there are some limitations to map the buttons. Besides, when the program is stopped, I need to restart and re-plug the screen to get back the stylus working.

razcore-rad commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the info. I'm on Ubuntu 20.10 and the tablet seemed to be working with digimend drivers like you said. I didn't know how to configure the buttons and that's why I ended up using the proprietary drivers script, but I'll try your suggestion.

razcore-rad commented 3 years ago

Yes this works. I don't care about the frame buttons, just the stylus so I have this:

 KEYBOARD_KEY_D0044=btn_middle # Pen 1st button
 KEYBOARD_KEY_D0045=btn_right  # Pen 2nd button

in /etc/udev/hwdb.d/99-xp-pen-id160f.hwdb

For anyone looking, note that this needs to be compiled and reset/triggered with:

systemd-hwdb update
udevadm control --reload
udevadm trigger
pivui commented 3 years ago

For those who are still interested in remapping the buttons:

I could not find a way to remap the buttons the way I wanted with only a .hwdb config file as above due to some buttons launching multiple scancodes + the need to use something else (e.g. xbindkeys) to remap to some action such as ctrl + s.

So I have written a python script that filters out the events coming of the buttons/inner wheel (considered as a separate device, a mouse) and replaces them by (user-defined) events sent by a virtual keyboard.

The code is available here but beware that you may need to tweak things to your needs as it is not extremely flexible. A better solution would probably to work with existing packages such as this one.

Note that as the buttons on the pen are associated with the display device, this does not allow to remap the buttons on the pen (but the other method mentioned above does). I have tried to grab all the devices related to the tablet and re-throw anything that is not a button but it induced some lag with the tilt of the pen so I've given up on that.