E-ARK AIP Specification
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Need for support of versions and variants of AIP #41

Closed shsdev closed 5 years ago

shsdev commented 5 years ago

In the specification it is stated that AIP is continuously supplied with conservation metadata and this is what distinguishes the package type from SIP / DIP. In the practical archival care, we currently manage generations of AIP, where care efforts in the form of, for example, conversion to conservation format, lead to the creation of a new IP and where the relation to original IP needs to be preserved. If necessary, generations are preserved and, where appropriate, generations IP will be thrown away. There is also a need for variants of AIP (AIC /AIU). We have not studied the specifications in detail but would like to emphasize the need for support for different versions and variants of AIP.

shsdev commented 5 years ago

Versioning of AIP is supported by creating a new AIP which captures the provenance and relation to the previous AIP in the PREMIS metatata. Intermediate representations which are not needed to reconstruct the current representation can be left out in the new version of the AIP. The concept "generation" is currently not used. Variants of the AIP can certainly be considered if the need is given by its use in archives, but they are not part of the AIP specification in its current state.