E-ARK Common Specification for Information Packages
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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There should be a place to store the preservation profile of a package. #733

Open michielvandriessche opened 6 months ago

michielvandriessche commented 6 months ago

In ETSI 119.511 (Long-Term Preservation) and in the Belgian Digital act (and the same thing will be very likely used in the QeA ETSI) there is a definition of the preservation (archiving) profile.

The preservation profile defines what type of information you are archiving and what preservation rules should be applied. More information can be found here https://blog.eid.as/tag/etsi-ts-119-512-en/

In regards this, there is the need to identify the preservation profile that needs to be used or is used to preserve a package. The CSIP should have a should have a standard location where this preservation profile is identified in the package. This could be an extra attribute in the CSIP METS Extension schema allowing to specify the preservation profile in the METS xml

karinbredenberg commented 6 months ago

Thank you for your suggestion. We will discuss it in the DILCIS Board.

karinbredenberg commented 5 months ago

The DILCIS Board have discussed the suggestion at our meeting on the 10th of April. (Notes from th emeeting)

What rules of preservation that an information package will follow and in the long term, will this preservation profile remain the same? It is a multifaceted question and the solution will most likely not be as easy as adding an attribute. Therefore there will not be an attribute added, our recommendation is that the preservation/archiving profile needs to be part of the submission agreement and be described in the preservation planning for the organization responsible for the preservation/archiving.

There will be information added in a future version of the Guideline.