E-ARK SIP specification
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METS Profile Requirement SIP2 #125

Open stephenmackey opened 4 months ago

stephenmackey commented 4 months ago

SIP2 requires that the value of mets/@PROFILE MUST be set to “https://earksip.dilcis.eu/profile/E-ARK-SIP.xml”. Certain of the CITS (Geospatial, eHealth1, SIARD) also have METS profiles and so also have the requirement for mets/@PROFILE to be set with the profile URL. If validation is to take place in the way planned; i.e. as a layered approach, then all Geo, eHealth1 and SIARD CITS will fail SIP validation (and DIP). If validation is to be sequential from CSIP to SIP to CITS then the @PROFILE requirement will need to be conditional on the @CONTENTINFORMATIONTYPE of the package.

jmaferreira commented 4 months ago

Hi @stephenmackey,

That particular requirement has changed a bit. It now points to the correct version of the profile. See https://github.com/DILCISBoard/E-ARK-SIP/blob/rel/v2.2/profile/E-ARK-SIP-v2-2-0.xml#L108

To support the layered validation approach I need to consult our technical team, however, I wonder if this proposal will have an impact on more than the SIP spec. Maybe it should be addressed at the CSIP.

I'll get back to you on this.