DINAcon / awards

DINAcon Awards - die Auszeichnung für digital nachhaltige Projekte
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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Mozilla Hubs #42

Closed MarkusTiede closed 3 years ago

MarkusTiede commented 3 years ago

We are looking into some ideas for running part of the DINAcon (HACKnight, Awards, ..) in a virtual environment. Mozilla Hubs is an open source platform which we are evaluating.

Getting Started with Mozilla Hubs

YouTube Video Link

How to use Hubs' basic features & controls

YouTube Video Link

Presenting in Hubs

YouTube Video Link

loleg commented 3 years ago

That worked well :-)

See it in action: https://youtu.be/xDKVweM_Alo?t=20033 Sources: https://github.com/DINAcon/awards/tree/master/2020/hubs HACKnight: https://hacknight.dinacon.ch/project/36