DINAcon / awards

DINAcon Awards - die Auszeichnung für digital nachhaltige Projekte
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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Idea - add category for CMS #46

Closed MarkusTiede closed 3 years ago

MarkusTiede commented 3 years ago



  1. add category for CMS
  2. add highlight / more weight for business impact / funding in general

differentiate between


pvbergen commented 3 years ago

Currently, we have a conceptual categorization, so a cms can compete with a qms or a custom application. I am not a fan of creating a category for a certain system type.

We already have space for cms projects, it could be a business project or a government project. Mabye this is more a discussion of #50

MarkusTiede commented 3 years ago

Resolving for now - please feel free to re-open: we agreed on CMS being too specific for now.

mirodietiker commented 3 years ago

Yes, discussed. We will check submitting some of the Swiss Drupal SplashAwards showcase projects to the current categories and check with other CMS communities how this all fits.

I see also that the intention would take too much room from DINAcon. The problem with this approach is that we can not show the project bandwidth and the full impact to emphasize the competitiveness of Open Source CMS against commercial CMSes. We can not use it as a primary source for CMS evaluators as things are too much mixed. To achieve such a goal, it seems we maybe need a separate CMS award / event / ...

I will reevaluate our idea and proposals for the more long term future.