DINAcon / awards

DINAcon Awards - die Auszeichnung für digital nachhaltige Projekte
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
8 stars 1 forks source link

Self-evaluation tool #87

Open loleg opened 1 year ago

loleg commented 1 year ago

Nominations and juries are great, but they are also a bottleneck, not to mention intrinsically biased. My dream for DINAcon, or rather just DINA, is that there is an open source, self-service mechanism for evaluating any process or initiative. This score could be communicated in some way that encourages discussion and hackathons. It would be data-driven, referencing evidence from research and case studies. The Awards as we know it would be a scaled up version, following a process of due diligence and comparative analysis. There would be a lot less guesswork, and an all-year-round service to the community.

loleg commented 1 year ago

For inspiration see: