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$TMPDIR directory for work space on CREAM submission #556

Closed phicharp closed 12 years ago

phicharp commented 12 years ago

As it seems there is no general consensus on the need to define TMPDIR as scratch area on WNs, I would suggest that if the variable doesn't exist, "." is used instead as this is the standard behavior on LCG_CE submission. B.t.w. in most cases TMPDIR points to "." ;-)

graciani commented 12 years ago

DIRAC does not make explicit use of TMPDIR on the worker nodes. python or other tools (i.e. compilers) might make use of it if defined, since this a standard unix behavior. DIRAC assumes the job is running on local scratch area in the WN, all downloaded files and working directories for the job are created there.

When submitting pilots to CREAM (on the server, not on the WN) the JDL is created on a temporary directory, that depending on the settings could end up under $TMPDIR.

If you refer to a mail from few days ago:

CNAF: TMPDIR=/home/pillhcb032

IN2P3: TMP=/scratch/8637005.1.huge TMPDIR=/scratch/8637005.1.huge

NIKHEF: TMPDIR=/tmp/jobdir/21056790.stro.nikhef.nl

PIC: TMPDIR=/home/tmp/24840237.pbs03.pic.es

RAL: TMPDIR=/pool/957889.lcgbatch02.gridpp.rl.ac.uk

SARA: TMPDIR=/scratch/17301977.batch.gina.sara.nl

This are not values defined by DIRAC, this is a report from the pilot of the environment found at the WN.

I'm not really sure what this issue is about.

phicharp commented 12 years ago

We had to open a ticket to CERN because TMPDIR was not defined. Note this is not a mandatory environment variable. Because of that we cannot use direct submission to CREAM at CERN. this is a pity. Therefore I asked whether this was a mandatory environment variable on WNs and the answer is "NO", but on most sites the local directory "." can be used for creating files. Therefore my advice is to use "." when TMPDIR is not defined. I know we don't make explicit use of it but we use a python module that does and complains if it is not defined. Therefore we could define it to the current directory and not ask sites to define it as this is not necessary.

graciani commented 12 years ago

Your point has been understood and a tested fix has been issue in #557.