hugo version: v0.92.0-B3549403
frago version: v1.6.11
When starting a project,
hugo serve fails if:
csv file is not empty
and csv file does not contain at least 1 na 1 nc and 1 c
For example, when:
- 1.1 : c c c c c
- 1.2 : nc nc nc nc nc
(no na)
Execute of template failed: template: partials/render/accessibility.html:254:105: executing "partials/render/accessibility.html" at <len ($data.Get (printf "%s%s" $scorekey "critNA"))>: error calling len: reflect: call of reflect.Value.Type on zero Value
hugo version: v0.92.0-B3549403 frago version: v1.6.11
When starting a project,
hugo serve
fails if:na
and 1c
For example, when: