DISTRHO / Cardinal

Virtual modular synthesizer plugin
GNU General Public License v3.0
2.18k stars 149 forks source link

Resize issues under Windows with Nightly beta builds #251

Closed subderground closed 2 years ago

subderground commented 2 years ago

Hi, Just for info: In the "Another armhf fix build #1026 Nightly Cardinal-win64-e8613895", there is a important resizing bug (witch is not present in the good "nightly Cardinal-win64-62181c10 release where you introduced the fantastic Host Parameters Map" :-) ).

Nb: Win 11 vst2 64bit Reaper

falkTX commented 2 years ago

resizing bug? you need to be more clear than that.

subderground commented 2 years ago

It's difficut to explain but the cardinal window is cropped and not in the center (file, edit... are in the middle of the window and the Cardinal gui is cropped) + impossible to enlarge with the bottom-right handle, so it's unusable. You certainly have modified something... I've deleted this version & to backup the previous one. If you need more infos, I can redownload this last nightly to take screenshots.

dromer commented 2 years ago

Which plugin format is this with? and if you can't explain with words can you show with a screenshot or screencast/video ?

falkTX commented 2 years ago

Which plugin format is this with?

he already mentioned.

no screencast needed, I will try it out soon in a VM, need to setup a new one.

fotisandstuff commented 2 years ago

I have a similar problem with the latest beta on Reaper (win64, vst2, cardinalsynth build 62181c10). A white border appears on the left of the window. When I move the window slider right and then left again, the pixels are repeated.

falkTX commented 2 years ago

Issue should be fixed in latest builds, like https://github.com/DISTRHO/Cardinal/actions/runs/2521727889 Should be 1-2h more to have it finished building.

Please try and test when you can, thank you

Semiote commented 2 years ago

Tested this in Reaper v6.61 Win11 x64, embedded draw offset regression is fixed and resizing is working consistently, improvement over 22.05.

fotisandstuff commented 2 years ago

Tested this in Reaper v6.61 Win10 x64, regression is also fixed for me, both in VST2 and 3!

falkTX commented 2 years ago

cool, thanks for verifying. we can close this one then