DISTRHO / Cardinal

Virtual modular synthesizer plugin
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Cardinal Playing Notes even when there is no midi on the track (Logic Pro) #475

Open DarkKnight-1008 opened 1 year ago

DarkKnight-1008 commented 1 year ago

So I have a patch setup up in a track in Logic that should take the MIDI notes present on that track and arpeggiate them. It seems to work. But those MIDI notes I have on the track only begin halfway into the track. When I play from the beginning of the track where there are no MIDI notes, Cardinal is paying notes anyway. I don't even know what notes it's playing or how it's deciding to play them. It's not receiving any MIDI, it hasn't reached that part of the track yet where I have a region with some chords there. The notes seem to be in key though. So I don't know what is going on.

dromer commented 1 year ago

Add a separate VCA that closes the audio when there is no incoming MIDI gate?

DarkKnight-1008 commented 1 year ago

Well no, that's a little backward. I shouldn't have to tell it NOT to play audio when there's no MIDI being received. I'm not using any sequencers or anything in this patch. It shouldn't be generating its own notes. It relies on receiving the MIDI. It should only arpeggiate when it receives MIDI notes to arpeggiate.

DarkKnight-1008 commented 1 year ago

When I try a fresh, very simple patch from scratch, it works as expected. It's possible I'm doing something wrong with the more complicated patch, but it's tricky to know sometimes what might be user error (I'm relatively new to modular/eurorack), or what might be a bug in Cardinal or in a specific module. I'm pretty sure the patch isn't at fault though because it initially worked as expected and it still kind of does, except for the weird behaviour I described where it plays even without MIDI being received. Also I've experienced some other weirdness where I was using Cardinal to drive Pigments by outputting MIDI, which worked, but for some reason upon the first load of this project, it would always set the Pigments pitch wheel all the way down. I'd have to manually reset it each time (until the next loading of the project). So given that I'm experiencing these other strange things, I'm relatively confident that there's something not right going on in the software somewhere.

dromer commented 1 year ago

Since we don't know anything about your patch or which modules you are using it's impossible to say if this is a problem with Cardinal, but I expect it is not.

DarkKnight-1008 commented 1 year ago

Well, you could've asked for it and I would have shared a screenshot so you could check it out. But you seem more intent on just shutting down anything I say or ask about rather than help or offer advice - unless I'm misreading your tone, which is possible via text. Here's a similar problem I'm having;

Screenshot 2023-01-09 at 10 59 15 pm

With the Grid Seq gate connected to the envelope, this patch works as expected. I play, it plays. I stop it stops. No sound. But as you can see, I'm not using that sequencer anymore. I decided to use the MusiMath one down the bottom. However when I connect the MusiMath gate output to the ADSR, when I play it plays, when I stop, a single frozen pitch keeps coming out like a stuck note and keeps going forever. Now am I doing something wrong or it is a bug? Or do some modules just do this or...?

dromer commented 1 year ago

@DarkKnight-1008 sorry, that was not my intend, but it's easy to blame the plugin when in fact it could be a thousand other things causing it.

Hmm, I would also expect MusiMath gate to stop when it's not playing. I'll have to test this in a patch, but a bug with that particular module should be reported to its developer.

I don't see how this could be a bug with Cardinal.

[Edit: seems to be that MusiMath just continuously sends a gate signal. I've never used this module but it seems to behave quite different from typical sequencers. The manual isn't very helpful: https://github.com/algoritmarte/AlgoritmarteVCVPlugin/blob/main/README.md#musimath]

DarkKnight-1008 commented 1 year ago

Ah cool, ok. At least I know I'm not crazy and that it's not Cardinal.

Yeah, I've found that quite a few modules have less than helpful manuals.

So would you say that theoretically once I've eliminated user error, weirdness like this that I encounter is most likely due to the individual module and not Cardinal itself? I guess what I'm asking is, should I suspect that a module is the weakness before I suspect Cardinal?

dromer commented 1 year ago

Unless it's a module from DISTRHO, yes I'd say so.

Always good if you can confirm the same behavior in VCV Rack of course, but one should expect that if it's the module acting "peculiar".