Linux audio plugins and LV2 ports
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How should we submit Vitalium presets? #81

Open PowerUser64 opened 3 years ago

PowerUser64 commented 3 years ago

I have a few presets that I have made that I'd like to contribute to the project. They don't use any of Vital's wavetables or anything, so they are ready for distribution. How should I contribute them to this project? Should I add them to a folder with a PR? Or should I zip them and send them to someone so they can add them? (I haven't made a PR before, so I'd like to do that if I can.) Thanks in advance!

falkTX commented 3 years ago

I need to make a small tutorial.

basically what I did so far:

the rest involves joining together the manifest files, and adding some data for setting up a preset bank. this last step can be scripted, saving the lv2 stuff through jalv cant.

PowerUser64 commented 3 years ago

Shouldn't we be using either the *.vitalbank or just the *.vital format? The way they are currently stored currently isn't a format that Vital and Vitalium can read without other software, so they will be useless in standalone mode. Maybe it would make the most sense to have presets stored in both the *.ttl format and the *.vital format, so DAW's and Vitailum can both see and read them. Even opening another repo for Vitalium presets might make sense. (I think I'll even make one for my own stuff.) Additionally, Vital users might want to use our presets, so leaving them in standard form would make it easy for them to use them as well.

You're the boss though, so it's up to you.

falkTX commented 3 years ago

Depends on what your target is.

I will say form the get-go I am biased on the LV2 format. Don't care much about the other ones, they are usually involved in big corpos that dictate how they should work without community having much to say.

If an action makes LV2 the format to use, all the best in the long-term. Plus, I don't know how to add these preset stuff as factory defaults :P Since the opensource vital has none, there is no guideline on the best procedure to add them.

Anyway, LV2 is the best both for the user and developer. By having these presets separate from the bundle, we can add as many as we want without affecting the plugin. Plus the host is aware of them, which the current biggest flaw of the current system of most plugins - that is, hosts have no proper way to know these presets.

PowerUser64 commented 3 years ago

Okay, makes sense. Just so you know, the way Vital does it, the presets that are attached to your vital account are automatically downloaded and saved into the configuration folder you select when you open Vital for the first time. They stay there, along with any other things that you have, like wave tables and a LFO shapes. You can access all the things that are saved there from the menus in Vital.

If we wanted to match this kind of functionality without modifying the code base, it might make sense to have a config tool that can download these sorts of things from user-specified URL's or git repositories and put them where they belong. Although, that sounds like something that's out of the scope of the project.

falkTX commented 3 years ago

yes, completely out of scope.

I would add those in as default files, but then we would need to sort out installation for windows and macOS. That likely involves custom stuff in an installer... way too much work.

simply having an lv2 bundle with presets is a lot simpler, to manage and to install as well.

hellocatfood commented 1 year ago

basically what I did so far:

start with a clean ~/.lv2 folder run vitalium with jalv.gtk, load presets via vitalium and save as preset via jalv collect the lv2 bundles generated, upload here

Is there a tutorial on using jalv.gtk somewhere? I want to help and add the following presets I've found

https://github.com/christ-offer/vitalium-presets https://github.com/nahush2321/Vitalium-presets https://github.com/cyanit/vital-presets https://github.com/atsushieno/open-vital-resources https://github.com/polk9/vital https://github.com/jpriebe/qub1t-vital-presets

falkTX commented 1 year ago

Is there a tutorial on using jalv.gtk somewhere?

you can run lv2ls to list the available lv2 plugins by their URI, lv2ls | grep italium to filter out what we want (ignoring first letter that can be lower case or upper case) and then jalv.gtk lv2-uri-here

Note that only public domain or CC0 licensed presets can be included. Anything else is to be disregarded due to incompatible/unwanted license.

hellocatfood commented 1 year ago

@falkTX finally getting around to this and learning as I go along. Does each preset need to be saved separately via jalv.gtk to its own .lv2 file? For example, I think attached is the Air Raid Siren preset from @unfa #80 . Would I need to attached one for each of their presets? Vitalium_air_raid_siren.preset.lv2.zip