DIT112-V20 / group-09

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Actually support interrupts #46

Closed AeroStun closed 4 years ago

AeroStun commented 4 years ago

Right now interrupts are never fired This needs to change; people often rely on them, and even smartcar_shield has a snippet relying on them.

This basically means have suspendable threads On Windows use SuspendThread On Un*x, attempt to use

Acceptance criteria: Interrupts are fired when the user expects them to, and they do not cause deadlocks.

platisd commented 4 years ago

You could implement an observer pattern that unblocks each "interrupt thread" depending on the user's configuration. For instance, you could have the user insert a specially formatted comment on how often they would like their thread triggered.

//*~* 20ms
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(2), tick, RISING);

Just a first thought from the top of my head.

AeroStun commented 4 years ago

Wouldn't that only apply to LOW and HIGH modes? My understanding is that FALLING, RISING and CHANGE are actual events, so the ISR should only fire when these events happen (which of course we can detect since we capture all IO).

platisd commented 4 years ago

I haven't really understood how you were planning to "visualize" this, but I imagine you would want the user to somehow set a frequency that "pulses" (and therefore trigger these events) are arriving or to be able trigger things manually (e.g. pressing a switch). This could be done somehow via a parsable comment in the code or a separate menu/config somewhere else in the emulation environment.

Btw, ultimately, all interrupts are CHANGE interrupts. If the new pin state is HIGH then it's a RISING event otherwise a FALLING.

AeroStun commented 4 years ago

Well, let's take this basic example (as bad as it looks, at least it is simple):

void setup(){
  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(1), +[](){ Serial.println("Button pressed!"); }, RISING);

void loop(){}

Assuming a push button is correctly wired to GPIO1, to us expected behavior would be to have Button pressed\r\n be printed onto the console (or whatever other UART device is configured) as soon as possible In our case, we might implement a push button as a UI button on the window that also has the camera view, which the user would press to see their desired effects (or not) on the screen/console

AeroStun commented 4 years ago

Regarding the polling frequency, the game engine's milliseconds per tick are the bottleneck, since it is the only possible source of events, and all interrupts are checked at the end of every tick. And even if we decide to put another "real-time" device with its own thread to talk to the board, we would still be capturing all its IO, hence we can immediately invoke any needed ISR

Our only problem is guaranteeing that the board thread won't be suspended in a syscall that locks system mutexes, since that would quickly cause a deadlock and hang the whole process (and that's obviously not what the user wants)

platisd commented 4 years ago

Hmmm, don't understand the context fully so I can't add much more but good luck nonetheless! :stuck_out_tongue:

AeroStun commented 4 years ago

Thanks, we'll need it; enjoy seeing the result whenever I manage to get it stable across all 3 major platforms and compilers