DIVD-NL / web-www-v2

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Project initialization error #356

Open martendegroot opened 5 days ago

martendegroot commented 5 days ago

After following the described steps in the readme to run the website locally, I'm receiving the following error:

Error: error building site: render: failed to render pages: render of "section" failed: "/Users/<user>/projects/web-www-v2/layouts/team/list.html:20:44": execute of template failed: template: team/list.html:20:44: executing "main" at <first 4 .members>: error calling first: both limit and seq must be provided

I'm using:

hugo v0.127.0+extended darwin/arm64 BuildDate=2024-06-05T10:27:59Z VendorInfo=brew and node 16. Is there something I missed?

martendegroot commented 5 days ago

I think I've found the solution. If I'm right, I've created a PR here https://github.com/DIVD-NL/web-www-v2/pull/358