1.) ISSUE IN ANGULAR: The current implementation of takeUntilDestroyed() operator assumes that the operator is used before the component is destroyed.
2.) The source srcset attribute does no longer require to use a SafeUrl and this was removed in an earlier version of Angular. However, it does not work if a SafeUrl is provided.
3.) Form Control stopped updating after 2 seconds, you can see that when selecting different options of the radio button.
These are some angular issues which needs to be solved.**
1.) ISSUE IN ANGULAR: The current implementation of takeUntilDestroyed() operator assumes that the operator is used before the component is destroyed.
2.) The source srcset attribute does no longer require to use a SafeUrl and this was removed in an earlier version of Angular. However, it does not work if a SafeUrl is provided.
3.) Form Control stopped updating after 2 seconds, you can see that when selecting different options of the radio button.
These are some angular issues which needs to be solved.**