DIY-Machines / SmartChess

Smart Chessboard project for online human and local computer play.
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Can not compile the sketches for the Arduino Nano #9

Open lhops9331 opened 2 years ago

lhops9331 commented 2 years ago

Lewis, I see that someone was having the same problem as I but he cured it by combining the two sketches. I can't seem to find how to combined sketches . Can you please guide me to the instructions. the text below is from an email I sent you yesterday. I am hoping that you answer this email quickly...I am dying to get this board up and running.

I am having problems with compiling two of the sketches using Arduino IDE. I continue getting errors “Xxxxxx not in the scope”. I was able to compile and upload electronic_test to the Nano without problems. But chess_simp and chessboard_LEDs …not having any luck. Do these sketches have to be combined And if so how is that done. Very new to the IDE. I had no problem with the Raspberry Pi or any of the wiring Everything seems to be working as far as the LEDs with the electronic_test loaded. I have all the parts printed And hoping you can help. Looking forward to spending time with this chess board.

Thank you for your help.


lhops9331 commented 2 years ago

Well it seems that your are too busy to take care of your customers. That is SAD!!!