Open Kashyapkoshti opened 4 years ago
I Think it's not really a problem. Connect the Mega like an Uno.
I do the same with an Arduino Pro Mini... The only thing I have to change is the baudrate in the ESPUNOWIFI.INO for the Pro Mini to 57600
int entryBootloader() { Serial.begin(57600); pinMode(resetPin, OUTPUT_OPEN_DRAIN); digitalWrite(resetPin, LOW);`
So for arduino mega which baud rate is preferable?
I'm not sure. Try to program the MEGA via USB to TTL-Adapter on Serial1 ( pin 18 and 19). In the log of Arduino IDE you Should see if the baudrate changed to Optimum speed.
@Wilhelm1Daniel did you try this for arduino mega 2560?
@Wilhelm1Daniel did you try this for arduino mega 2560?
did it work for you?
i want to do this with arduino mega. can you help me with that?