DImuthuUpe / AndroidPdfViewer

Android view for displaying PDFs rendered with PdfiumAndroid
Apache License 2.0
8.05k stars 1.85k forks source link

swip horizontal #1000

Open aneebali opened 3 years ago

aneebali commented 3 years ago

how to left pdf

samjoshua-paldwin commented 3 years ago

Buddy, Just copy this Code and change the file Name and location, It will Help you

    songbook_pdf = (PDFView) findViewById(R.id.songbook_pdf);
            .enableSwipe(true) // allows to block changing pages using swipe
            .swipeHorizontal(true) // allows to you to change swiping position
            .enableDoubletap(true) // If you want you enable else "false"
            .defaultPage(1) // The default pdf page
            .pageSnap(true) // snap pages to screen boundaries 
            .pageFling(true) // make a fling change only a single page like ViewPager (This is Prevent 2 Pages To fit in One View)