DImuthuUpe / AndroidPdfViewer

Android view for displaying PDFs rendered with PdfiumAndroid
Apache License 2.0
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GPL vs. Apache License #1145

Open MarcelReiter opened 1 year ago

MarcelReiter commented 1 year ago

GPL is a license, which is allowing commercial use, but with copyleft. Copyleft requires you to publish your source and more, which is something you often don't want to do when developing an app.

The LICENSE file of this project specifies the Apache 2 license, which generally is a nice license even for commercial use. The gradlew.bat file however specifies the gpl license.

This is mean, since lots of folks will only checkt the LICENSE file

axoroll7 commented 1 year ago

Gradle is an automation system to build/publish. It is not redistributed in the binaries. Its utilisation is compatible with permissive licensed softwares, in which the Gradle files will not appear in the installer package.

Not all copyleft licenses are equal, GPL is not AGPL for example. Others licenses are worse than GPL in terms of copyleft contamination.

EDIT 1 : I re-read your text and you are right, sorry. Its utilisation should be included somewhere, because we could think every files in this repo is Apache 2.0.