DImuthuUpe / AndroidPdfViewer

Android view for displaying PDFs rendered with PdfiumAndroid
Apache License 2.0
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Cant import the project #1146

Closed ceaura closed 1 year ago

ceaura commented 1 year ago

Hi, I put the line in the dependencies my project sync without error but I can't import the project on my classes it make "Cannot resolve symbol GitHub" . I already try to invalidate caches, nothing change

zer0Ambit1on commented 1 year ago

how did you solve that issue?

ceaura commented 1 year ago

how did you solve that issue?

As I recall, my primary difficulty stemmed from the fact that in my settings.gradle, I only imported mavenCentral. When I tried to add jcenter, Android Studio advised me to replace jcenter with mavenCentral. However, making this substitution resulted in AndroidPdfViewer ceasing to function properly. Hence, my recommendation would be to ensure that you have included jcenter.
