DJ-TechTools / Midi_Fighter_Twister_Open_Source

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Bug: Can't set LED color via MIDI when Switch Action Type set to "Note Toggle" or "Note Hold" #5

Closed supertwang closed 4 years ago

supertwang commented 6 years ago

Hi y'all, I've been enjoying my Twister immensely. In putting it through its paces, I've found either a firmware bug, or a bug with the MacOs MidiFighter Utility.

Here's how to duplicate: When an encoder's "Switch Action Type" is configured as Note Hold, it is no longer possible to set the LED color via MIDI (ie CC for the knob #-1, like 0 for knob 1, channel 2, values 1-126. The color simply stays on the "On Color." All of the other knob configuration via MIDI seems to work fine, just the LED color is unresponsive.

I'm hoping you'll patch this in an updated firmware release. It is preventing me from coloring my knob sets though midi.

fwiw, I'm on macos 10.12 (sierra), on a mac book pro late 2013, 2.3ghz, running v2.75 of the MidiFighter Utility, with the 09 Mar 29018 Firmware.

Thanks for looking into this! Best, Dave

ps. wishlist... I wish I could set all of the settings in the utility via midi. This would allow me to use a tool to expand the number of available knob sets. Any chance you'd publish the sysex format to make these settings? Thanks!

wunnation commented 6 years ago

Hi Dave,

MIDI Feedback for Note Toggle and Note Hold I just tried this out, and it's working for me under the same configuration. Your firmware is up to date, so we are good there. Perhaps the source of confusion is that the MIDI Feedback mapping moves, when you move the MIDI Output Mapping.

In my test, I remapped the top-left button as Note Hold (Note 0 Channel 2 by default), and row 2-left button as Note Toggle (Note 4 Channel 2 by default.)

To send MIDI Feedback to these buttons, the top-left is Channel 2, Note 0 On, color_value (decimal: 145, 0, color_value) (hex: 0x91, 0x00, color_value)

Some other quirks you should know about.

Let us know if you need more help with this!

Sysex Format: There's always a chance! I'll ask around.

lumieria commented 5 years ago

Thank you for the quick response!!!

Thanks to you, I've gotten things working again. :)

For some reason I thought it was ok to send the color feedback as a CC/Value combo, instead of a Note On. This must be the case if I have the buttons configured as CC behaviors, since it is working then, chanigng the led color. It wasn't obvious to me that when it is a Note behavior I should send a NoteOn, and when it is a Cc behavior I should send a CC/Value. This makes more sense if I think of the color as being a wholistic part of the feedback mechanism, rather than an isolated way to configure the look via midi. I had thought the feedback was just for the value of the CC knob, not for all of the look/feel stuff too.

Anyhow, I really appreciate your help. Thank you. I am loving how configurable and quality the Twister is. I'm at a real premium for space, and do want some pressure input, or I'd have added a MF3D to the rig by now. Instead I'm pairing my Twister with the Livid Instruments Minim (tiny footprint) and using them in tandem to cue up a dynamically adaptable Midi Mapping, with full color feedback... a sweet, great looking, small footprint, combo. If I get things working more fully I'll post a YouTube video. At this point my system is a lot of json editing and custom code to make it all happen.

Thanks again.