DJDNS / go-deje

Golang library for DEJE Next, a protocol/technology for decentralized document hosting and concurrent editing.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Virtual CLI for demo client #65

Open MaddieM4 opened 9 years ago

MaddieM4 commented 9 years ago

The ideal design for the demo client is probably a CLI with the following features:

This is a huge undertaking, and I'd love to figure out a way to do it through incremental tickets merged to master. As I've been reminding myself via #43, and the docopt tickets, long-running branches are incredibly demoralizing if you care about maintaining your Github streak (which is one of the proxies I'm using for continuous progress).

MaddieM4 commented 9 years ago

Going to use broco for this. It will be broco's pilot use case.

The code implications are that js-deje and broco will both be git submodules here, and the only "real" code on our end will be the glue between the two (exposing DEJE functionality as broco modules).