DJI-Mobile-SDK-Tutorials / Android-Phantom4Missions

This demo shows you how to use the new TapFly and ActiveTrack Missions for Mavic Pro using DJI Android SDK.
MIT License
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M300 RTK #7

Open 505057618 opened 2 years ago

505057618 commented 2 years ago

我下载这个demo,sdk升级到了4.16,然后任务模式设置也改成了M300支持的模式,如下 mActiveTrackMission = new ActiveTrackMission(rectF, ActiveTrackMode.SPOTLIGHT); mActiveTrackMission.setSpotlightMode(SpotlightMode.ZOOM_GIMBAL_FREE); 但是startTracking一直提示active track must enabled,请问是什么原因?执行任务前飞机已经用模拟器起飞了

dji-dev commented 2 years ago

Agent comment from DJI SDK in Zendesk ticket #58734:

尊敬的开发者,感谢您联系DJI 大疆创新 由于github不是我们主要的咨询渠道,您的问题可能跟进不及时。我们建议您通过填写表单( )向我们反馈问题。或者您也可以在论坛发帖,与其它开发者交流。论坛链接:

Dear developer, thank you for contacting DJI. Since github is not our main consultation channel, your questions may not be followed up in time. We recommend that you fill in the form ( to report problems to us. Or you can post in the forum to communicate with other developers. Forum link:


DJI-William commented 2 years ago

MSDK 4.16版本支持ActiveTrackMission的SpotLight模式。报active track must enabled的原因是没有打开setGestureModeEnabled,我询问了一下研发,流程是:

  1. 画面切换到Zoom视频画面。
  2. 打开setGestureModeEnabled。
  3. 设置ActiveTrackMode为SPOTLIGHT。
  4. 设置SpotlightMode的模式,云台转或者飞机转。
  5. 框选物体,只支持车、船、人。
  6. startTracking。
  7. acceptConfirmation,则开始运行。