DJI-Mobile-SDK-Tutorials / Android-VideoStreamDecodingSample

This sample project demonstrates how to use FFmpeg for video frame parsing and to use MediaCodec for hardware decoding on DJI Products.
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精灵3P连接成功后点“OPEN”程序直接闪退 #17

Closed lqsheng closed 7 years ago

lqsheng commented 7 years ago

不知道为何,直接git clone下来的,只改了KEY那部分,想看看示例工程的效果,然而精灵3P连接成功后点“OPEN”程序就直接闪退,用ADB调试按下“OPEN”后的logcat如下图: ![Uploading 1.jpg…]()

所用机型为 精灵3 Professional,手机型号是荣耀6PLUS,CPU是armeabi-v7a架构,符合示例工程要求,单从logcat我没找到问题所在,求解决