DJI-Mobile-SDK-Tutorials / Android-VideoStreamDecodingSample

This sample project demonstrates how to use FFmpeg for video frame parsing and to use MediaCodec for hardware decoding on DJI Products.
MIT License
173 stars 80 forks source link

Could not find com.dji:dji-sdk-provided:4.9. #51

Closed hexray-newbee closed 5 years ago

hexray-newbee commented 5 years ago
ustcwzy1986 commented 5 years ago

I met same problem.

ERROR: Failed to resolve: com.dji:dji-sdk:4.9 ERROR: Failed to resolve: com.dji:dji-sdk-provided:4.9

Michael-DJI commented 5 years ago

@hxl-dy could you please show us the full error message? btw what's the version of you Android Studio? could you please upgrade it to the latest stable version then retry?

hexray-newbee commented 5 years ago

@hxl-dy could you please show us the full error message? btw what's the version of you Android Studio? could you please upgrade it to the latest stable version then retry?

All message I got are shown above in bold.

Michael-DJI commented 5 years ago

please modify the content of build.gradle under "android-videostreamdecodingsample" folder to this:

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath ''

        // NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong
        // in the individual module build.gradle files
allprojects {
    repositories {

task clean(type: Delete) {
    delete rootProject.buildDir