DJRyLau / CITS3403-Project

CITS3403 Agile Web Development Group Project
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Design ideas for website #13

Open darkksuns opened 4 months ago

darkksuns commented 4 months ago

Related to #12 Created these so we know the physical product we are working towards and so we all know what we are aiming for.

Landing page image

Log in pop-up image

Sign up pop-up image

Dashboard page image

Boards side-bar image

Create new board pop-up image

Board page (specific to each board) image

Board settings pop-up (very similar to the create a new board pop-up) image

About pop-up image

Profile pop-up image

Replies on notes options

  1. flip the note over and have replies on the back image

  2. have a small tab in the corner with a number of replies on it image

  3. user icons to show replies image options 2 and 3 would probably need to open the replies and normal note up in a pop-up with a thread style possibly - not super sure though.

Note: not super sure about the settings page and what would be on that