DJRyLau / CITS3403-Project

CITS3403 Agile Web Development Group Project
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notes display issues #29

Open darkksuns opened 4 months ago

darkksuns commented 4 months ago

A few things I noticed on the current main branch with the notes.html page:

  1. Current version of main has the "no notes" text still appearing after notes have been created. image

  2. when copying and pasting text, note colour option disappears image

  3. note text clips underneath the colour option (maybe have the colour options appear when hovering the note?) image

  4. (on Chrome) notes touch the side of the browser window image

  5. time on the note is formatted yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss in 24h time (would be better in mm:hh AM/PM dd month yyyy and have the option for 24h time too under settings) image

Ciaranengelbrecht commented 4 months ago

@darkksuns Sorry I should have clarified, the notes don't exist yet until you hit 'enter' for them to be posted and saved officially to the db

And currently you have to select your colour before posting/ in some entering typing text

Definitely something we can add so the colour can be edited during/after the fact

I believe Henry will be working on the complete notes design so this is just barebones functionality and I'm sure not close to the end result

darkksuns commented 4 months ago

@Ciaranengelbrecht oh ok! maybe there should be button to "save note" or something? I'm not super sure how to get that to work intuitively.

No stress at the moment though! Just wanted to document this stuff for now so we know things to work on and so we have a way to look back at how our product looked now vs when we finish :D