If admin wants to setup multiple chats with specific settings at once, it must do these steps manually for each chat:
add bot to the chat
calling /settings command
open settings website
adjust all necessary settings (disable preview, change list of services, change list of buttons, set Pluginer URL)
Create "Settings template" which will automatically set everything based on given template. Admin only.
When bot is added to the chat, it should prompt that you can use one of templates, that admin set earlier. Eventually choose to use settings, that is used in admin's private message with bot.
Change chat settings according template should be accessible any time, eg. via command or clickable button.
Template and template list should be manageable. Eventually some templates could be pre-created, such as "minimalistic" with barely anything and "data lover" with everything enabled.
If admin wants to setup multiple chats with specific settings at once, it must do these steps manually for each chat:
Create "Settings template" which will automatically set everything based on given template. Admin only.