DJTommek / better-location

Telegram bot for parsing and generating various of location formats.
MIT License
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Service for standardized maps #96

Open DJTommek opened 2 years ago

DJTommek commented 2 years ago

Some web applications are using non-written standard, that maps have link in specific format as GET query in URL, specifically:

Zoom level is usually not required.

Example link(s) and their coordinates

Example link Coordinates,14.42059&z=14 50.09349,14.42059,14.420671 50.087451,14.420671,14.457&z=16 50.05821,14.457,-14.514022 -49.367523,-14.514022,14.420671 50.087451,14.420671

Example URLs are already handled by specific services, but adding one more general service, that would work as callback in case, there would come up some new service, that will match this standard. Make sure, that this general service will process after other non-callback services.

Also, in case of successful match, log this service so can be investigated, if new service should be created for specific website.