DLR-RM / 3DObjectTracking

Algorithms and Publications on 3D Object Tracking
MIT License
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Timing execution #7

Closed lmuffang closed 2 years ago

lmuffang commented 3 years ago


In your amazing paper, it is specified that RBGT uses only a single thread. I was wondering if it is possible to optimize the execution time by doing some tasks in parallel. For example, I already tried to parallelize overall region_modality_ptr pointers when various bodies are tracked and it greatly reduces the execution time. For the update, I simply parallelized CalculatePoseUpdate over every data_line to save extra time and CalculateCorrespondences over every template view's data points. Is there is any other way to increase the execution time? Does the size of the tracked object have an influence on the timing?

I am using a laptop with an Intel i7 at 2.8GHz and I have between 50-70ms in execution time. This reduces the frame rate and the tracking is thus easily lost during fast motion due to large movements between frames.

Thanks for the help!

huanghone commented 3 years ago

The authors claim that the runtime is about 3ms per frame. Do you verify the runtime? Is that true?

manuel-stoiber commented 2 years ago

Having such a large execution time, there is probably some issue with your code modifications or your execution. Even on a modest laptop, we would expect an execution time way below 5ms for the tracking of a single object on a single CPU core.

The size of the object does not matter.