DLR-RM / AugmentedAutoencoder

Official Code: Implicit 3D Orientation Learning for 6D Object Detection from RGB Images
MIT License
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Rendering with my own object models. #55

Closed krish240574 closed 4 years ago

krish240574 commented 4 years ago

Hello, Thank you very much for the great work, much appreciated. I am trying to render and subsequently train the AAE using my own set of models. These are models of various cars. I intend to use the whole pipeline, object detection and pose estimation too.

Could you please list the steps I must follow, to achieve the same? The documentation in the Readme seems incomplete.

Edit: Here is what I have understood, please do correct me if I'm wrong : Step 1: Generate data for the detector.

Step 3: Train the AAE In the README, it mentions "Insert the paths to your 3D model and background images" - does it mean I use the same .ply used in the generate_syn_det_train.py, along with VOC images here?

Thank you very much, Kumar

flugenheimer commented 4 years ago

in your workspace there is a folder called tmp_datasets. Here is the .npz file. This file contains your renderings and masks.

What I did was to create a new script to generate data for the retinanet training using the .npz file of already rendered images: random background images, random scaling, location, noise etc etc, and automatically annotate boundary boxes etc in a csv file that retinanet can read directly.

MartinSmeyer commented 4 years ago

Step 1+2: You can do it as flugenheimer proposed or you can run the generate_syn_det_train.py to create training data for RetinaNet. In both cases you need to transform the labels into the .csv format needed by the RetinaNet repository. Step 3: Yes, use the same ply file here.