DLR-RM / stable-baselines3

PyTorch version of Stable Baselines, reliable implementations of reinforcement learning algorithms.
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Performance check (Continuous Actions) #48

Closed araffin closed 4 years ago

araffin commented 4 years ago

Check that the algorithms reach expected performance. This was already done prior to v0.5 for the gSDE paper but as we made big changes, it is good to check that again.

SB2 vs SB3 (Tensorflow Stable-Baselines vs Pytorch Stable-Baselines3)

a2c.pdf a2c_ant.pdf a2c_half.pdf a2c_hopper.pdf a2c_walker.pdf

ppo.pdf ant_ppo.pdf half_ppo.pdf hopper_ppo.pdf ppo_walker.pdf

sac.pdf sac_ant.pdf sac_half.pdf sac_hopper.pdf sac_walker.pdf

td3.pdf td3_ant.pdf td3_half.pdf td3_hopper.pdf td3_walker.pdf

See https://paperswithcode.com/paper/generalized-state-dependent-exploration-for for the score that should be reached in 1M (off-policy) or 2M steps (on-policy).

Test envs; PyBullet Envs

Tested with version 0.8.0 (feat/perf-check branch in the two zoos)

SB3 commit hash: cceffd5ab2c855c6369ca88f70f9d3df11128b5b rl-zoo commit hash: 99f7dd0321c5beea1a0d775ad6bc043d41f3e2db

Environments A2C A2C PPO PPO SAC SAC TD3 TD3
HalfCheetah 1859 +/- 161 2003 +/- 54 2186 +/- 260 1976 +/- 479 2833 +/- 21 2757 +/- 53 2530 +/- 141 2774 +/- 35
Ant 2155 +/- 237 2286 +/- 72 2383 +/- 284 2364 +/- 120 3349 +/- 60 3146 +/- 35 3368 +/- 125 3305 +/- 43
Hopper 1457 +/- 75 1627 +/- 158 1166 +/- 287 1567 +/- 339 2391 +/- 238 2422 +/- 168 2542 +/- 79 2429 +/- 126
Walker2D 689 +/- 59 577 +/- 65 1117 +/- 121 1230 +/- 147 2202 +/- 45 2184 +/- 54 1686 +/- 584 2063 +/- 185

Generalized State-Dependent Exploration (gSDE)

See https://paperswithcode.com/paper/generalized-state-dependent-exploration-for for the score that should be reached in 1M (off-policy) or 2M steps (on-policy).

gsde_onpolicy.pdf gsde_onpolicy_ant.pdf gsde_onpolicy_half.pdf gsde_onpolicy_hopper.pdf gsde_onpolicy_walker.pdf

gsde_off_policy.pdf gsde_offpolicy_ant.pdf gsde_offpolicy_half.pdf gsde_offpolicy_hopper.pdf gsde_offpolicy_walker.pdf

SB3 commit hash: b948b7fd5c3ff18bf52d3945111c304e6205c64f rl zoo commit hash: b56c1470c9a958c196f60e814de893050e2469f0

Environments A2C A2C PPO PPO SAC SAC TD3 TD3
Gaussian gSDE Gaussian gSDE Gaussian gSDE Gaussian gSDE
HalfCheetah 2003 +/- 54 2032 +/- 122 1976 +/- 479 2826 +/- 45 2757 +/- 53 2984 +/- 202 2774 +/- 35 2592 +/- 84
Ant 2286 +/- 72 2443 +/- 89 2364 +/- 120 2782 +/- 76 3146 +/- 35 3102 +/- 37 3305 +/- 43 3345 +/- 39
Hopper 1627 +/- 158 1561 +/- 220 1567 +/- 339 2512 +/- 21 2422 +/- 168 2262 +/- 1 2429 +/- 126 2515 +/- 67
Walker2D 577 +/- 65 839 +/- 56 1230 +/- 147 2019 +/- 64 2184 +/- 54 2136 +/- 67 2063 +/- 185 1814 +/- 395


Using TD3 hyperparameters as base with some minor adjustements (lr, batch_size) for stability.

6 seeds, 1M steps.

Environments DDPG
HalfCheetah 2272 +/- 69
Ant 1651 +/- 407
Hopper 1201 +/- 211
Walker2D 882 +/- 186
araffin commented 4 years ago

@Miffyli All algorithms match performances except A2C (I ran it with the pytorch rmsprop, just wanted to check), which is a good sign after #110 (table created using the zoo) :

Environments A2C A2C PPO PPO SAC SAC TD3 TD3
HalfCheetah 1859 +/- 161 1825 +/- 119 2186 +/- 260 1976 +/- 479 2833 +/- 21 2757 +/- 53 2530 +/- 141 2774 +/- 35
Ant 2155 +/- 237 1760 +/- 190 2383 +/- 284 2364 +/- 120 3349 +/- 60 3146 +/- 35 3368 +/- 125 3305 +/- 43
Hopper 1457 +/- 75 1348 +/- 134 1166 +/- 287 1567 +/- 339 2391 +/- 238 2422 +/- 168 2542 +/- 79 2429 +/- 126
Walker2D 689 +/- 59 505 +/- 63 1117 +/- 121 1230 +/- 147 2202 +/- 45 2184 +/- 54 1686 +/- 584 2063 +/- 185

current a2c graphs (trained and plotted using the zoo, those are the deterministic evaluations): a2c.pdf a2c_ant.pdf a2c_half.pdf a2c_hopper.pdf a2c_walker.pdf

I will run A2C with the tensorflow RmsProp and also do some run of all algorithm with gSDE enabled (to check that it matches the paper).

araffin commented 4 years ago

As expected changing the optimizer to tf rmsprop closes the gap. Will now try to replicate gSDE results.

araffin commented 4 years ago

Results for gSDE are replicated (in fact, after solving PPO issue in #110 , it is even better, I will need to update the paper). closing this issue.

zhihanyang2022 commented 3 years ago

@araffin Thanks for paying so much attention to performance checking. It makes us feel more confident about using SB3.

I assume that for DDPG, TD3 and SAC, you are using the default parameters given in the documentation / paper. Just to give an example, in SB3 doc, for DDPG and TD3, the learning rates are 1e-3 and the batch sizes are 100; for SAC, the learning rate is 3e-4 and the batch size is 256. Personally, I find these hyper-parameter differences unjustified from an algorithmic standpoint. Although I'm aware that this is an effort to match the respective original publications, these are pretty similar algorithms.

Is it possible to test them with shared hyper-parameters? Also, just to double check, where can I find the hyper-parameters you used for this exact replication (gSDE paper or the current SB3 doc)?

Thanks again!

araffin commented 3 years ago

I assume that for DDPG, TD3 and SAC, you are using the default parameters given in the documentation / paper.

actually, slightly different ones as I'm training on PyBullet envs (different from MuJoCo ones, used in the paper).

You have instructions in the doc ;) I'm using the RL zoo: https://github.com/DLR-RM/rl-baselines3-zoo.

Instructions: https://stable-baselines3.readthedocs.io/en/master/modules/sac.html#how-to-replicate-the-results

Personally, I find these hyper-parameter differences unjustified from an algorithmic standpoint. Although I'm aware that this is an effort to match the respective original publications, these are pretty similar algorithms.

You are completely right. In fact, the original code of TD3 now shares SAC hyperparams (https://github.com/sfujim/TD3) And you can easily do that in the zoo.

Is it possible to test them with shared hyper-parameters? Also, just to double check, where can I find the hyper-parameters you used for this exact replication (gSDE paper or the current SB3 doc)?

yes you can (but you need to deactivate gSDE for SAC, as gSDE for TD3 is no longer supported).

Also, just to double check, where can I find the hyper-parameters you used for this exact replication (gSDE paper or the current SB3 doc)?

In the RL Zoo. You can even check the learning curves from the saved logs: https://github.com/DLR-RM/rl-trained-agents

zhihanyang2022 commented 3 years ago

I feel amazed how well documented SB3 is. Thank you so much for the link to instructions, I should have noticed them myself while reading the doc.

zhihanyang2022 commented 3 years ago

@araffin Just to double-check, I see that you used a linear decay learning rate scheduler for HopperBulletEnv-v0 and Walker2DBulletEnv-v0?

araffin commented 3 years ago

I see that you used a linear decay learning rate scheduler for HopperBulletEnv-v0 and Walker2DBulletEnv-v0?

yes (also mentioned in the gSDE paper), there are important to stabilize the training.


zhihanyang2022 commented 3 years ago

For DDPG, you wrote that you

Using the same hyperparameters as TD3.

Does this mean that, for running DDPG for this performance check, you didn't used the hyper-params specified here:


but instead you used the hyper-params specified here:



araffin commented 3 years ago

Does this mean that, for running DDPG for this performance check, you didn't used the hyper-params specified here:

They are the same ... see https://github.com/DLR-RM/rl-trained-agents/blob/master/ddpg/HalfCheetahBulletEnv-v0_1/HalfCheetahBulletEnv-v0/config.yml and https://github.com/DLR-RM/rl-trained-agents/blob/master/td3/HalfCheetahBulletEnv-v0_1/HalfCheetahBulletEnv-v0/config.yml

Also in https://github.com/DLR-RM/rl-baselines3-zoo/blob/master/hyperparams/ddpg.yml

zhihanyang2022 commented 3 years ago

They are not the same for Ant, for example:



araffin commented 3 years ago

They are not the same for Ant, for example:

oh true, I probably did some minor adjustments (reduce lr) to improve stability. I will update my comment.

(I did not spend much time on DDPG as we treat it as a special case of TD3, cf code)

axkoenig commented 3 years ago

Hi there, are the SAC Actor and Critic Loss plots also available somewhere? I'd like to compare mine with the "official" SB3 loss plots.

I'm using a custom environment for robotic grasping and for some reason my critic loss increases after a while. My reward starts to decrease as well and I believe this is connected to the critic loss going up.

Screen Shot 2021-07-21 at 11 21 36

I tried various hyper-params already (gradient_steps, train_freq, learning_rate, batch_size) but saw the same behavior throughout. I am keeping ent_coef = 0.01, the auto adjustment only lead to a larger drop in reward unfortunately.

Maybe a LR scheduler helps?

Miffyli commented 3 years ago

@axkoenig I believe these are (still) the correct instructions and settings to replicate things: https://stable-baselines3.readthedocs.io/en/master/modules/sac.html#how-to-replicate-the-results (@araffin please correct me if I am wrong).

axkoenig commented 3 years ago

Ok thanks, I was just wondering whether they were posted somewhere s.t. I don't need to train the model myself until the end

araffin commented 3 years ago

@axkoenig I believe these are (still) the correct instructions and settings to replicate things: https://stable-baselines3.readthedocs.io/en/master/modules/sac.html#how-to-replicate-the-results (@araffin please correct me if I am wrong).

Ok thanks, I was just wondering whether they were posted somewhere s.t. I don't need to train the model myself until the end

yes, the RL Zoo is the place to go to replicate results. I saved the training/evaluation reward and the trained agent but not the rest of the metrics (although you can easily reproduce the run normally). Your issue is probably related to https://discord.com/channels/765294874832273419/767403892446593055/866702257499668492

vahidqo commented 2 years ago

Dead @araffin, I used SB3 for my custom environment, but no matter which algorithm I use, I get the same false result. Could you please help me with which part is wrong? I am pretty sure that my custom environment code is true. Thanks

Miffyli commented 2 years ago

@vahidqo Answering you #672.