DLR-RY / TwoPhaseFlow

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Negative saturation temperature for Clausius Clapeyron model #14

Closed Bumble-7 closed 1 year ago

Bumble-7 commented 2 years ago

Dear Authors, Please look into the .C file of the Clausius Clapeyron equation to calculate the saturation temperature for a given pressure field. There is probably minus missing. Due to which the evaporation rates are humungous. I have pasted the part of the code from the present version.

Foam::scalar Foam::ClausiusClapeyron::satT(scalar p) const { scalar tsati = L0/(R * (Foam::log(p) - C0_)); return tsati; }

Suggested code

Foam::scalar Foam::ClausiusClapeyron::satT(scalar p) const { scalar tsati = L0/(R * (C0_ - Foam::log(p) )); return tsati; }

Thank you