DLR-RY / TwoPhaseFlow

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Can multiDimAMR expand the selected region for refine? #32

Closed irr77 closed 2 years ago

irr77 commented 2 years ago

Dear Henning: Sorry for disturbing you. I use your advanced interFlow library together with multiDimAMR to refine mesh near interface. I notice that, in your provided "damBreakWithObstacle" case, there is a command "nLayer" in dynamicMeshDict which can increase number of refined cells near the interface. Because I'd like to expand the refined region outside the liquid phase, I use "nLayer" directly in the selected liquid phase. Sadly, it doesn't work, and the refined region is limited within the liquid phase, which is the same as the (not use "nLayer") one. 20220422205813 So, dear Henning, does there exist some setting I miss in your multiDimAMR which can achieve my goal? If not, could you give me some suggestion about expanding the selected region? BTW, dear Henning, you mentioned that your code is based on the (Rettenmaier, Daniel, et al. "Load balanced 2D and 3D adaptive mesh refinement in OpenFOAM." SoftwareX 10 (2019): 100317.). I noticed that their provided code is able to refine region based on curl or gradient of some field. So, can your multiDimAMR provide similar functions? Thank you for your attention. Best regards