CPACS - Common Parametric Aircraft Configuration Schema
Apache License 2.0
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Definition of payloadElements and payload node #724

Open ErwinMoerland opened 3 years ago

ErwinMoerland commented 3 years ago

Currently, the definition of payload in CPACS is limited to:

/cpacs/vehicles/../model/global/payload <!-- providing nPax and mCargo -->
/cpacs/vehicles/../model/analyses/massBreakdown/payload <!-- providing the massBreakdown of the payload -->

For advanced payload considerations, it is suggested to create a general overview of possible payload elements at /cpacs/vehicles/payloadElements, containing the following nodes:

   <pylons> <!-- providing a list of possible pylons which can be used to attach the payload to -->
   <deployables> <!-- providing a list of possible deployables which can be taken along as payload -->
   <operationalItems> <!-- providing a list of possible operationalItems which can be taken along as payload (these have a mass, but no specific location is defined) -->

The model-specific information should then be added to /cpacs/vehicles/../model/payload

   <stations> <!-- providing the payload attachment stations of the configuration -->
   <configurations><!-- providing payload configuration sets -->
      <configuration uID="PayloadConfiguration_01">
         <deployables> <!-- adding pylons, and a quantity of deployables to the provided stations -->
            <stationUIDs mapType="vector"/>
            <pylonUIDs mapType="vector"/>
            <deployableUIDs mapType="vector"/>
            <quantity mapType="vector"/>
         <operationalItemUIDs/> <!-- providing the set of operationalItems to be taken along -->

At the model-specific configuration node within /cpacs/vehicles/../model/configurations/configuration, each configuration is then assigned a specific payload configuration. See also #636



ErwinMoerland commented 3 years ago

Here the example case:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<cpacs xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="cpacs_schema.xsd">
            <model uID="aircaftModelUID">
                <name>aircraft model</name>
                <description>some aircraft model description</description>
                    <configuration uID="clean">
                    <configuration uID="ferry">
                        <station uID="station_fus1">
                        <station uID="station_wing1" symmetry="x-z-plane">
                        <configuration uID="Payload_clean">
                                <station maptype="vector"/>
                                <pylon maptype="vector"/>
                                <deployable maptype="vector"/>
                                <quantity maptype="vector"/>
                        <configuration uID="Payload_ferry">
                            <name>Ferry with external tanks</name>
                                <station maptype="vector">"station_fus1";"station_wing1"</station>
                                <pylon maptype="vector">"externalFuelTankAttachment";"externalFuelTankAttachment"</pylon>
                                <type maptype="vector">"ET_300gal"; "ET_370gal"</type>
                                <quantity maptype="vector">1; 2</quantity>
                <operationalItem uID="someOperationalItem1">
                <operationalItem uID="someOperationalItem2">
                <deployable uID="ET_300gal">
                <deployable uID="ET_370gal">
                <pylon uID="externalFuelTankAttachment">
MarAlder commented 3 years ago

Looks good. 👍 I propose the following implementation:



As the proposal looks quite military, will there be confusion with civil applications? Will designers look for passenger modeling capabilities or so? (Edit: Ah, I think this is what is meant with the second open action...)

ErwinMoerland commented 3 years ago

yep, that is exactly what was meant with the second action ;)

ErwinMoerland commented 3 years ago