DLR-SR / ThermofluidStream

The DLR Thermofluid Stream Library
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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displayComponentNames #167

Closed RaphaelGebhart closed 2 months ago

RaphaelGebhart commented 4 months ago

Added displayComponentNames to dropOfCommons, added Utilities.DisplayComponentNameIndividually which all classes shall extend, added 'name' text to 'most' components (Bidirectional missing, and some components where we would have to move the connectors) closes #158

RaphaelGebhart commented 4 months ago

the extends ThermofluidStream.Utilities.DisplayComponentNameIndividually; doesnt work unfortunatly... so i either have do it without extends, i.e. parameter Boolean displayComponentName = dropOfCommons.displayComponentNames for every component... or i might move dropOfCommons to ThermofluidStream.Utilities.DisplayComponentNameIndividually ....

nieweber commented 4 months ago

I'd personally prefer to add the parameter displayComponentName to each component or base class (ThermofluidStream.Interfaces.SISOFlow,...) if possible...

Another thing that we have to take care of is that there are still some components that don't have an outer connection to dropOfCommons (for example ThermofluidStream.Boundaries.TerminalSource) and hence they don't get the parameter.

RaphaelGebhart commented 4 months ago

OK then i add it to every component, but please check if parameter Boolean displayComponentName = dropOfCommons.displayComponentNames "=true, if u wish to display the component name" annotation(Dialog(group="Layout"),Evaluate=true, HideResult=true); is fine, because i have to copy paste that to 100 components then :D `

RaphaelGebhart commented 4 months ago

Another thing that we have to take care of is that there are still some components that don't have an outer connection to dropOfCommons (for example ThermofluidStream.Boundaries.TerminalSource) and hence they don't get the parameter.

yes i already did that

RaphaelGebhart commented 4 months ago

OK then i add it to every component, but please check if parameter Boolean displayComponentName = dropOfCommons.displayComponentNames "=true, if u wish to display the component name" annotation(Dialog(group="Layout"),Evaluate=true, HideResult=true); is fine, because i have to copy paste that to 100 components then :D `

since there are quite some components that dont use ThermofluidStream.Interfaces.SISOFlow ....

RaphaelGebhart commented 3 months ago

Regression tests passed. Still to be done (besides reviewing the changes):

nieweber commented 2 months ago

Regression test passed.