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800153 - DLT360: DID/ZKP & GDPR-Data Privacy #15

Open DLT360-Guilherme opened 1 year ago

DLT360-Guilherme commented 1 year ago

Challenge: Accelerate Decentralized Identity

Ideascale Link: https://cardano.ideascale.com/c/idea/399832

Linked Projects

Project Team

Ideascale Project Scope

Fund 7 has funded our DLT360 proposal called 'DID Application Blueprint'. When we started to work on this project, we ran into a very hot and emotional discussions between blockchain proponents and EU-data-privacy enthusiasts. While Blockchain proponents tend to downplay the critical conflict between blockchain and GDPR (EU-Personal Data Privacy regulation) and with the major PbD (Privacy-by-Design) principles of the GDPR, we see a big need to outline reliable approaches for public permissionless blockchains (many current compliance approaches are focused on applying private permissioned blockchains). Our ambition is to summarise solid best practice solution-approaches, which are specifically considering the newly emerging scalability approaches of CARDANO, with HYDRA, Sidechains, ZKP (Zero Knowledge Proof) as well as anonymisation / storage of pseudonymous data. The result will be an add-on to our Fund 7 DID Implementation Blueprint and will be properly captured in our DLT360 Risk & Opportunity Radar. We consider this highly important for all the projects starting to implement DID technology, as wrong approaches are difficult to correct later-on in a development journey.

Cost Structure

Based on our listed key-activities and key-resources, we plan with the following costs (please note that we are in progress of setting up a formal company body and need to calculate with taxation according to applicable law):

Roadmap, Milestones and Deliverables

This proposal is driven by the Economy/Business Team of DLT360. This project requires the following specific key-activities - all during Q3 / 2022:

KPI Progress and Success Measurement

Updated Definition of Done


  • [x] Blockchain and GDPR Foundational Research Paper by IBPL
  • [ ] DID and GDPR Memo - includes: Risk and Opportunity Summary; Subject specific presentations and summaries
  • [ ] Pre-partnerships with Profila, Atala prism, Proofspace?
  • [ ] IBPL Seminar preparation for cohort (DID & Data Privacy)
  • [x] Integration of content into DLT360 Navigator

Milestone Plan

1- 2- 3- 4- 5-

DLT360-Guilherme commented 1 year ago


Google Forms Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nkkm9mt5rzruxci/800153_202206.pdf?dl=0

DLT360-Guilherme commented 1 year ago


Google Forms Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/18tfn7z377ael2d/800153_202209.pdf?dl=0

DLT360-Guilherme commented 1 year ago


Google Forms Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/57d0qbjjjaz4qoq/800153_202210.pdf?dl=0

DLT360-Guilherme commented 1 year ago


Google Forms Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/t6cgm0elvr9wnue/800153_202211.pdf?dl=0

DLT360-Guilherme commented 1 year ago


Google Forms Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6gif2lwub2wt1mo/800153_202212.pdf?dl=0

DLT360-Guilherme commented 1 year ago


Google Forms Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/c3eroijaaow5b9l/800153_202301.pdf?dl=0