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800151 - DLT360: Agriculture and Metaverse #18

Open DLT360-Guilherme opened 1 year ago

DLT360-Guilherme commented 1 year ago

Challenge: Business Solutions (B2B & B2C)

Ideascale Link: https://cardano.ideascale.com/c/idea/399926

Linked Projects

Project Team

Ideascale Project Scope

DLT360 is working in close proximity with NGOs, University of Malta and with interesting initiatives in the Permaculture segment, promoting decentralised organic farming in difficult regions (concretely: Malta, Italy and European Alps). Resulting from a DLT/Blockchain workshop held in Malta during March 2022, ideas for a new way of sustainable and profitable small-scale farming were born. While large-scale farming is more or less included in the farm-to-table concepts for CPG Industry (see our related proposal within this Challenge Setting), small-scale, family or community driven farming is getting more and more squeezed. In many areas of Europe, local food-production is disappearing, with devastating consequences for supply security and the environment.

Cost Structure

Based on our listed key-activities and key-resources, we plan with the following costs (please note that we are in progress of setting up a formal company body and need to calculate with taxation according to applicable law):

Roadmap, Milestones and Deliverables

This proposal is driven by the Economy/Business Team of DLT360. This project requires the following specific key-activities - all during Q3 / 2022:

KPI Progress and Success Measurement

Updated Definition of Done


  • [ ] Deliverables per milestone (new IOG compliance)

Milestone Plan

1- 2- 3- 4- 5-

DLT360-Guilherme commented 1 year ago


Google Forms Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/z09l5mbisyzqe3p/800151_202206.pdf?dl=0

DLT360-Guilherme commented 1 year ago


Google Forms Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6psx3loo1camzzh/800151_202209.pdf?dl=0

DLT360-Guilherme commented 1 year ago


Google Forms Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4pbukal9015bwqo/800151_202210.pdf?dl=0

DLT360-Guilherme commented 1 year ago


Google Forms Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1q0pzo88az5l1qc/800151_202211.pdf?dl=0

DLT360-Guilherme commented 1 year ago


Google Forms Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vdcnjyujvqonqeq/800151_202212.pdf?dl=0

DLT360-Guilherme commented 1 year ago


Google Forms Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qg620gys4cnkwzk/800151_202301.pdf?dl=0