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800158 - DLT360: Technology RADAR Team #19

Open DLT360-Guilherme opened 1 year ago

DLT360-Guilherme commented 1 year ago

Challenge: Open Standards & Interoperability

Ideascale Link: https://cardano.ideascale.com/c/idea/400026

Linked Projects

Project Team

Ideascale Project Scope

The DLT360 Risk and Opportunity Radar is structured into 4 main dimensions: 1) PSL (Politics/Social/Legal) and Governance 2) EHER (Environment/Health/Ethics/Reputation) 3) E (Economy/Business) 4) T (Technology)

Behind these 4 dimensions are dedicated teams, who are researching the market, actively establishing a cooperation network, conducting weekly or 2-weekly meetings, quality assuring new RADAR content, guiding the updating or our RADAR tool, identifying information gaps, triggering our contributor.network for closing these gaps and delivering the quarterly DLT360 video-reporting This proposal is specifically about the general efforts of our Technology teams during Q3 of 2022. The Technology teams look at all major aspects around open Source Management, Interoperability, Decentralisation, Scalability, Security, Availability/Usage and Costs.

Cost Structure

Based on our listed key-activities and key-resources, we plan with the following costs (please note that we are in progress of setting up a formal company body and need to calculate with taxation according to applicable law):

Roadmap, Milestones and Deliverables

This proposal is asking for funding the work of the DLT360 Technology Team of the Risk & Opportunity Radar during Q3 of 2022. This project requires the following specific key-activities - all during Q3 / 2022:

KPI Progress and Success Measurement

Updated Definition of Done

In spring 2022, while starting with this (and other) projects, we found out that focusing merely on a Risks and Opportunity Radar based on a third-party SaaS tool (Itonics) will not be sufficient for our ambitious and scalable business idea. We therefore decided to make a big redesign of our approach, going through the following activities:

  • Deep review of our business model(s) (see MIRO Boards)
  • Summarizing results in our DLT360 Whitepaper (see DLT360 Website)
  • Updated conception of the DLT360 Website as the main delivery channel for our products & services (see DLT360 Website)
  • Implementing our new and open tool-stack and work-processes based on GitHub, OBSIDIAN, ZOTERO
  • Basic conception of a DLT360 NAVIGATOR as the major core-tool for supporting structured knowledge management
  • Basic conception of how to integrate a new form of DLT360 Risk & Opportunity Radar and a DLT360 News Radar
  • MVP development of the DLT360 Website
  • MVP Development of the DLT360 NAVIGATOR
  • Structuring the future workstreams (Technology, Economy/Business, Legal, ESG and Politics)
  • Staring with content-creation (in one larger team during 2022 for securing interdisciplinary nature in the beginning - we will split into specialized workstream-teams in 2023)
  • Populating the Technology Elements of the DLT360 NAVIGATOR with MVP content
  • Quality checking of the content
  • Due to the much bigger effort for getting to this new and sustainable foundation, the publishing part is no longer part of this project (we decided to focus on completeness and quality first, before scaling up and triggering PR activities)

The following (slightly modified) KPI are the basis of our Definition of Done:

Milestone Plan

DLT360-Guilherme commented 1 year ago


Google Forms Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/k0zl73hf80mxwyd/800158_202206.pdf?dl=0

DLT360-Guilherme commented 1 year ago


Google Forms Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pac81wqi64j0xaw/800158_202209.pdf?dl=0

Project Status:

On track?:

Expected Completion

Monthly Activity:

Current Status (Executive Summary)

  • Completion (0-100%):
  • Quality Check Status (0-100%):
  • Integration Level Status (0-100%):
  • Funding Consumption (0-100%):
  • Return of Intention (0-100%):
  • NPS Feedback (if applicable):

Work Details

  1. As reported, we restarted our content-related work by beginning of September (after focusing on our people, process and tools foundation over June to end of August). The biggest change was here, that we are now storing and maintaining our content in GitHub - very essential for our ambition to work as a large content-providing network in the future.
  2. The Technology work stream conducts weekly meetings (and is collaborating with our other work streams in Regulation, ESG, Politics and Economy/Business).
  3. During September, we have focused on integrating the TECHNOLOGY segment into our new DLT360 NAVIGATOR (Knowledge Management) and GitHub Repository environment. environment.
  4. We are currently working on basic content, following a 'T-Shape approach' (first focusing on the basic overview, the big picture, and at the same time work on selected topics where we can provide a real deep-dive. In the future, we will then add more and more deep-dive topics, as they are needed for the DLT360 WEB3.0 Innovation Accelerator program.
  5. The role of the TECHNOLOGY Workstream Team is to coordinate our contributors, review our GitHub content, quality check and release for integration into the DLT360 NAVIGATOR
  6. We expect project closeout by December 2022


DLT360-Guilherme commented 1 year ago


Google Forms Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wohpl6o5lgomalx/800158_202210.pdf?dl=0

DLT360-Guilherme commented 1 year ago


Google Forms Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/x6ebacr6hv2hg73/800158_202211.pdf?dl=0

DLT360-Guilherme commented 1 year ago


Google Forms Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rw7v9055vwenymi/800158_202212.pdf?dl=0

DLT360-Guilherme commented 1 year ago


Google Forms Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/98b1zxrun09o5if/800158_202301.pdf?dl=0