Closed d0rg0ld closed 10 years ago
does not follow the order principle of ProvidedCHO (prefix+localname) nor the one from ore:Aggregation (localname+prefix)
<element ref="skos:prefLabel"/> <element ref="skos:altLabel"/> <element ref="skos:broader"/> <element ref="skos:narrower"/> <element ref="skos:related"/> <element ref="skos:broadMatch"/> <element ref="skos:narrowMatch"/> <element ref="skos:relatedMatch"/> <element ref="skos:exactMatch"/> <element ref="skos:closeMatch"/> <element ref="skos:note"/> <element ref="skos:notation"/> <element ref="skos:inScheme"/>
Will cause validation errors one day!
does not follow the order principle of ProvidedCHO (prefix+localname) nor the one from ore:Aggregation (localname+prefix)
Will cause validation errors one day!